Since today is Levi's "due date" I only find it appropriate to post our story.
Let's start with what Adam and I had planned once I went into labor. We wanted to do it all as naturally as possible. We took lamaze classes and had a doula for the when the day came. My mother was scheduled to fly in Saturday the 21st to help and stay for a couple of weeks. I got a little bit of crap from people about doing it all naturally. I need to stress that we didn't want to do it because I thought it made me a stronger person or I'd get more respect from people; we were looking into all of the benefits that come with it for the baby. Adam and I are pretty "green" already, so if you know us well, it made sense. Plus, after the classes we felt SO ready and excited for when the day came. We had already checked into the St. Thomas birthing center (which came with a tub, Swedish bars, a regular bed, and other amenities that help with labor.)
July 12 : I went in for my 38.5 week checkup. Doctor said I was 1cm dilated and she looked like she was going to be right on time! I had also tested positive for the strep B strand, so she told me if my water breaks, I need to go into the hospital right away so they can start me on penicillin every 4 hours just so it doesn't negatively effect the baby. The last thing she told me was "Just don't go into labor in the next 3 days because I'll be out of town." Cool. Didn't think I'd have to worry about that considering everything looked like it was going to be on time...not to mention our doula had a sudden interview in Hawaii, so she wasn't going to be able to be there.
July 13, 10AM: I wake up, have my morning coffee and decide to make some potato and quinoa tacos. I cooked them directly on the stove so the house smelled a little like burnt tortilla. (My maw maw's house always smelled like that) In the middle of my meal, I felt like I peed myself a little. I stood up, and a little more came out. yum. I wondered if it was my water that broke, but I also knew that these things happen towards the end... the whole wetting yourself thing. I told Adam and he started packing our bag just in case. I prayed a short prayer and asked God if this was really it, please make it more obvious. No joke; one second later, He made it very obvious my water broke.
11AM : We arrived at the hospital with no contractions yet and they put us up in a room where we would normally stay in until I'm 6cm, then they would take me to the birthing center.
12PM : they hooked me up to my first dose of penicillin and the baby monitor. The nurses confirmed my doctor was out of town. :( Contractions were very mild and far in between.
5PM : Doctor on call comes in to talk to us about options. They checked me and saw that I was only 2 cm and brought up the option of induction. We told them we would wait it out as long as we can and they said they'd check on us around midnight and if I haven't made much progress, they'd have to induce. Because my water broke, we're on a clock. Contractions were a little more powerful and consistent.
10PM : MOM CHANGED HER FLIGHT AND MADE IT! It was so good to see her face. Contractions were definitely not comfortable.
12AM : They came in to hook up my 4th round of penicillin and found that I was still 2cm, so they started inducing.
12AM-9AM : This is all mushed together for me. My goal was to just get through another contraction. One at a time. Adam was AMAZING and worked with me in every position I put myself in. He massaged me, gave me foot rubs, put tons of pressure against my lower back, and he even danced with me. When he needed to take a small break, my mom was there. Thank God my mom was there with us. OH and somewhere in all of this, they said it would just be better for me to stay in that room the whole time, so I didn't get to go to the birthing center. At this point, I didn't care. The contractions got more and more difficult to handle. I feel like it wouldn't have been as bad if the fetal monitor didn't keep falling off during my favorite positions. I was asked not to get into the positions that helped my pain the most because of it.
I hadn't eaten for almost 24 hours and I had gotten no sleep, so my body was showing signs of complete exhaustion. I started to shake uncontrollably and my low uncomfortable grunts and sighs turned into moans and screams. I had brought up an epidural once, but decided against it.
9AM : nurse came in to give me my 6th round of penicillin and checked to see how far along I was. .......3cm. 3CM!!! No way. I was so discouraged and worn out. Adam asked me for real if I wanted the epidural. "Yes." And that was enough.
9:30AM : While they were putting in the epidural, I was having a horrible contraction (of course) but by the grace of God, I managed to stay still. After applied, I felt a full contraction and part of another one. Although I hate the feeling of numbness, this was the best lack of feeling I've ever had! Adam broke down when he saw me finally get relief. I can't imagine seeing someone I love go through that amount of pain. Ugh I love him! After that, I was so nice and happy to everyone!
10AM-4PM : rest and sleep, along with 2 more rounds of penicillin.
4PM-5:30PM : PUSHING! (with Adam holding one leg and my mom holding the other) One of the hardest things ever.
July 14, 5:30PM : Levi came into this world weighing 5 lbs 13 oz with her own poop all over her. Within the first 2 minutes of her being on my chest, she inched towards my breast and latched on perfectly. We've had issues since, but that was a pretty awesome moment.
Everything we had planned did not happen, but that's OK!!! She's beautiful, she's healthy, I'm healthy, and who knows if any of that would be the case if it happened differently. I've never felt so much pain in my life, but I look at that little girl, and I'd do it all again. I'd probably ask for the drugs a lot sooner, but I'd definitely do it again. :)
ALSO! If you live in Nashville, you're pregnant, and looking for a place to have your baby, St. Thomas was absolutely amazing! They're staff was so helpful and made me feel the most comfortable. <3

My Love